Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Art of Flight Trailer from Brain Farm

I know that we are just beginning to come upon summer, but I cannot wait for this film to come out in the fall. It is amazing how far riders are pushing the envelope. They seem to go bigger and bigger with every passing year. Also, the cinematography is mind blowing. All the new advances in cameras combined with fresh creativity make for simply brilliant films. Great job Brain Farm!

Brain Farm - The Art of Flight Trailer from Brain Farm on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Building your own split board with Xavier

Xavier De Le Rue has always amazed with the huge lines he rides on big mountains. But, what makes him even more amazing is the fact that he splits his own boards. He uses a Voile Split Kit and basic shop tools to do the job.  I have always been too scared to even think about splitting one my boards, but after watching this I am planning on doing some work this summer to have a split board ready for next season. Plus new split boards are extremely pricey, so why not make your own?

How to built your own splitboard ? - TimeLine bonus 2 from TimeLine on Vimeo.